Offer comfort and support during a difficult time with this elegant arrangement. Our caring florists gather lovely white lilies and purple roses in an exquisite Marquis by Waterford® crystal vase, allowing you to convey your heartfelt sympathy while celebrating a beautiful life.Fresh bouquet of purple roses and white lilies accented with salal and Italian ruscus
Same Day Delivery Available: Order by 2pm Monday - Friday, and 1pm on Sarurday
Choose Your Delivery Date on our Checkout Calendar and get it delivered Today!
Offer comfort and support during a difficult time with this elegant arrangement. Our caring florists gather lovely white lilies and purple roses in an exquisite Marquis by Waterford® crystal vase, allowing you to convey your heartfelt sympathy while celebrating a beautiful life.Fresh bouquet of purple roses and white lilies accented with salal and Italian ruscus
Same Day Delivery Available: Order by 2pm Monday - Friday, and 1pm on Sarurday
Choose Your Delivery Date on our Checkout Calendar and get it delivered Today!